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Do I have to take a parenting class?

Affordable Family Law, Inc. > F.A.Q.  > Do I have to take a parenting class?

Do I have to take a parenting class?

Parents taking parenting class to obtain custody. Yes, if parents have a minor child or children together, each parent must attend a mandatory Parent Information Program class. In this class, parents learn about the impact of divorce on children. Both parents are required to attend the parenting class separately. Even if they do not have any disagreements regarding custody of their children, the parents must attend separately. If one parent fails to attend the Court-mandated class, that parent may not be allowed to have custody and/or parenting time with their child(ren). After they complete the class, they will be able to retain custody and parenting time with their child(ren). Click here for a list of Court-approved Parent Information Program classes in Maricopa County.